Electric Car Sales Drop 41% in Ireland Amid Calls for More Government Support

Read the full article by Eddie Cunningham here.

Electric car sales in Ireland experienced a significant decline last month, plummeting by 41.4%, according to the latest data from the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (Simi). So far this year, sales have fallen by 19.1%, continuing a downward trend that began last September. While sales stabilized in January, the decline has resumed, reflecting a broader hesitation across Europe as potential buyers delay their purchase decisions.

Despite price reductions and increased competition among brands, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are still perceived as too expensive, with concerns about the time required to recoup the investment. Additionally, "range anxiety" due to insufficient charging infrastructure remains a significant barrier for many drivers.

Brian Cooke, Simi’s director general, emphasized that the issue is not supply but demand. He called for rapid government investment in reliable, convenient, and affordable electric charging infrastructure, as well as the extension of current incentives such as purchase grants. Cooke also highlighted the need to extend benefit-in-kind (BiK) relief and thresholds for businesses and employees beyond this year.

In April, 1,091 new BEV cars were registered, a sharp drop from 1,863 in the same period last year. This brings the total for the year to 9,028, down from 11,160 in the previous year. Meanwhile, used imports rose by 35.6% last month and are up 26.9% year-to-date. Petrol cars lead the new-car market at 32.92%, followed by diesel at 23.56%, petrol-electric hybrids at 20.44%, BEVs at 12.70%, and plug-in hybrids at 8.76%.

As the market evolves, EGO EV chargers provide a reliable solution to ensure your EV is always ready for the road. Investing in a robust charging infrastructure can alleviate range anxiety and support the transition to electric vehicles.